Seat Roller and Slide Button Kit


Category: Baron, Bonanza

Type: Kit

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How many people have looked under their seats? It’s not easy to see, but when your seat becomes resistant to sliding, it’s probably time to replace your seat rollers and slide button (if your seat has one).

The Marsh Brothers Aviation Inc. seat rollers and slide button are TCCA/FAA/EASA approved under Canadian Parts Design Approval No. PDA24-9. The Marsh Brothers seat rollers and slide button are both made from AeroTough®GF, a tough and durable proprietary polymer with self-lubricating properties. AeroTough®GF is far superior to Nylon (or Delrin), typical materials used for the OEM rollers and slide button.

  • Improved durability, assuring that your seat continues to roll.
  • Superior toughness of the AeroTough®GF material ensures longer life.
  • Resistant to wear.
Kit Product Number Description Package Quantity
M-03-1002-1 Seat Roller & Slide Button Kit 4 Rollers 1 Button
M-03-1002-2 Seat Rollers
6 Rollers
M-03-1002-3 Seat Rollers
4 Rollers

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