
The story of how Marsh Brothers Aviation came to be, is a story of how a young man got tangled up with his passion with airplanes. Although founder George (Sandy) Thomson began this venture in 1991, it began well before that. Like many of you, Sandy's passion began with 1 miniature model airplane, eventually transforming into his first flight. 

In 1991, Sandy purchased a Cheyenne 11 and kept it in a hangar owned by Bob and Bill Marsh. One thing lead to another and that same year Sandy had made a deal to buy the hangar and the business from the Marsh Brothers. Now with an FBO, Sandy went on to purchase Lectron Avionics. Shortly after, an aircraft maintenance business was established and running with 35 employees. The maintenance business was centered around an engine upgrade for the Cheyenne, 690 HP to 750HP. Marsh Brothers Aviation completed 14 conversions until eventually selling the maintenance part of the business to Standard Aviation. After this transaction, Sandy started manufacturing non-metallic parts for the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, using resources from the parent company Thordon Bearings. Shortly after Sandy started experimenting with propeller governor rebuilds and overhauls and continues to offer this service today. What you see today of Marsh Brothers Aviation would have never came to be without the comments from a local Transport Canada inspector who suggested Sandy make a business from non-metallic landing gear parts. From this discussion with the local TCCA inspector formed what you see today. Marsh Brothers Aviation has worked hard to receive their Manufacturing Approval in 2013 and AMO Approval in 2016. Today we are improving the design of many aviation applications with our non-metallic materials as well as offering best in class maintenance service in our Burlington shop.

We look forward to the future and sharing that with all of our customers.